Wednesday, May 23, 2012

save folder

the file is PPGPOI17.DAT in ../Save folder

Thursday, April 26, 2012

how to manage POI

Papago X2/X3 navigator allows users to create their own POIs. The POIs are saved in binary format file (PPGPOI17.dat) under [Papago S/W Folder]\Save. However these POIs can only be viewed and edited in Papago GPS device, unlike Garmin’s users who have alternative way by using Garmin product, MapSource to manage their POIs in personal computer.

In order to ease Papago’s users to handle and mange their POIs easily, Papago POI Tool is developed to export and import PPG POIs to and from gpx (GPS Exchange Format) file. With this gpx file which is compatible with MapSource, PaPago’s users can make full use of MapSource features to manage their favourite POIs, eg create, edit, save, import and export POIs from one device to another device.

How to use Papago POI Tool:
1) Copy PPGPOI17.dat from Papago GPS device or create waypoints with MapSource and save its in gpx format file in your computer.
2) Run PPGPOITool.exe.
3) Select action, i.e. Import or Export PPG POIs.
4) Browse and search for the source file (*.gpx or *.dat).
5) Select and double-click the file to proceed with the conversion.
6) If Import PPG POIs is selected, a binary file (*.dat) will be created in the folder where the source file saved. Copy PPGPOI17.dat to [Papago S/W Folder]\Save and view POIs in Papago navigator.
    If Export PPG POIs is selected, a gpx file (*.gpx) will be created in the folder where the source file saved. Open the gpx file with MapSource for POI editing.

1) Import waypoints from gpx file (*.gpx) and save its in PPG POI binary format file (*.dat). 
2) Append new POIs into existing PPG POI binary format file.
3) Export PPG POI binary format file to gpx file. The gpx file is compatible with MapSource.
4) Backup existing data file before being overwritten. 
5) Option to save the output file as PPGPOI17.dat in Import PPG POIs section.
7) Telephone number and address information are supported. The information needs to be saved in the Comment field of waypoint in the following format.
  • Telephone number only -----> {t}…telephone no, max 15 numbers long….{/t}
  • Address only -----------------> {a}...address infor, max 31characters long…{/a}
  • Tel no and address ---------> {t}…tel no…{/t}{a}…address…{/a}
    Please note that only those characters and or numbers enclose with {t}…{/t} and {a}…{/a} will be read and imported into PPG POI binary file, other than that will be ignored.
8) Due to the PPG POI data structure, there is a maximum length of POI information as follows:
    Name = max 31 characters long inclusive of space.
    Telephone no = max 15 numbers long inclusive of space.
    Address = max 31 characters long inclusive of space.
9) All POIs will be saved as User Defined Class in PPG POI binary file.

Tip: POI’s comment / description can be saved in address field instead of address information only.

PPGPOITool v1.15 (15-8-09)
2) HOME and OFFICE POIs supported.

Add the following tags prior to the waypoint name to define the POI class.
a) FRIENDS ---------> {friends}waypoint name
b) WORKS ----------> {works}waypoint name
c) FAMILIES --------> {families}waypoint name
d) SPEED CAMERA ---> {camera}waypoint name
e) USER DEFINED ----> {user}waypoint name
f) HOME ------------> {h}waypoint name
g) OFFICE ----------> {o}waypoint name

HOME and OFFICE can be combined with other POI classes :
a) {o}{families}waypoint name
b) {h}{works}waypoint name

POIs with class other than the above will be converted and saved as USER DEFINED class.

PPGPOITool v1.10 (19-7-09)
1) Support special symbols in gpx file, ie &< and >.
2) GPX file size limit resolved.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

how to install ppago

Saturday, November 28, 2009

MFM Papago Map Install guide for Holux/Papago GPS devices

MFM Papago Map Install guide for Holux/Papago GPS devices

If you've a unit of Holux GPSmile 62 or Papago GPS loaded with Papago X3 or X5 GPS navigation software then follow the steps below to load in the latest MFM Papago Map into your device, switch to the latest map and here you go...
  1. Connect your Holux GPSmile 61/62 or Papago GPS device to your PC or laptop using the USB cable.
  2. Execute the MFM Papago map executable file
  3. Select your language [English], click OK, next button then accept the license agreement
  4. The default folder is to C:\Navi\Maps\MFM [your local hard disk], change the path to your GPS USB disk (e.g. e:\Navi\Maps\MFM091125) then click Next button
  5. In the dropdown list select the customized map for your Papago software (Eastgear GPS -> Eastgear X3, M3 GPS -> M3GPS Papago X3/X5) then click Next button
  6. Select Colorful (display colored polygons in navigation mode), then click Next button.
  7. Confirm the settings are correct, then click Install button.
  8. When installation completed, eject your GPS USB disk safely [use remove hardware safely of your windows OS.]
  9. Restart your GPS device
  10. Launch Papago Navigation software
  11. Select Map Switch, then choose the latest map that you've installed.
You can start navigating with the latest MFM Papago map.
Refer to screen snapshoots below if you need a graphical step by step walkthrough.

a) Select language

b) Welcome screen

c) Select map display option

d) Select customized map for your Papago distributor
i) For Papago GPS devices distributed by Eastgear select Eastgear X3 (e.g. Holux GPSmile 62E, Papago R5800 distributed by Eastgear, etc)

ii) For Papago GPS devices distributed by M3 select M3GPS Papago X3/X5 option (e.g. Papago R5800 distributed by M3)

e) Select map destination

f) Accept MFM map license agreement

g) Confirm installation options

Updated on 20th Jan 2010:
Note: 1) Improper installing the map or incorrect folder of the map will be caused your Papago software unable to read the map resulting your Papago R58x0 will be halt at "Papago ! world's leading GPS navigator" screen.
2) No matter download the map into PC then transfer into Papago R58x0 or direct into Papato R5800, please make sure you have total 27 map files store its all into your papago R58x0 TFAT drive > Navi > Maps > MFM
Remark: Remember, It is Maps but not "Map".
3) If encounter your Papago R58x0 halt at "Papago ! world's leading GPS navigator" screen, Please refer to Papago CD guide how to restore it.

Remark: For my Papago map installation guide only apply to Papago R58xx unit, not for other PND like Holux, WayWay, Altina, Cruise Lite and so on. because other PND, Papago software and Maps may not store inside the "Navi" folder like Papago R5800. for example: WayWay 5031, the papago software and maps store into "Mobile Navigator" folder, but inside the WayWay also has "Navi" folder which inside the "App" folder, if Wayway user follow my guide store the latest map file into "App\Navi\Maps\MFM", resulting you still would not get the latest map updated. Sorry for I can't create other PND map installation Guide for all, because I don't know other PND where the Papago software and maps is and I only have Papago R5800.


how to install ppago


  • Extract the Papago_X5.rar (file number 1 above) & you will have NaviSEA folder, instruction & PAPAGO_X5SEA.apk on your pc.
  • Mount your phone as disk drive. Copy NaviSEA folder & paste it inside your storage card, root directory.
    Attached Image
  • Install PAPAGO_X5SEA.apk via apk installer.

  • Install file number 2 above to pc @ C:/Navi (default destination folder) but don't forget to select the correct papago version which is Papago X5 for Android... Then you will have folders of Maps > MFM-PPG-110301C inside C:/Navi.
  • Copy all files inside the MFM-PPG-110301C folder, & paste those files to your phone @ into the NaviSEA\Maps\Country_Name\ (the folder as stated in step no. 2)
    for steps 4 & 5, refer following link for detailed tutorial with screenshots on installing map >>

  • Enjoy PaPaGo! X5.1 for Android 2.x

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